Mention the phrase male escorts for women and you’ll see a smile come to most people’s lips – regardless of whether they’re male or female. The older woman and younger man scenario is as old as the hills and yet the images it conjures up are still thrilling enough to drive women in their thousands to shows parodying the likes of a male strip tease such as that in the sell-out film Full Monty.
But it’s not just older women that we male escorts spend our time with. Many of the women I’ve been asked to accompany to events have been of a similar age to myself or younger. And many of them wouldn’t have looked out of place in the line-up heat of a beauty contest.
So why the need to hire someone like myself? There’s the obvious reason of course – successful women tend to be time-poor. They don’t have enough hours in the day to date on a regular basis and, from what I’ve seen, many don’t want to anyway. They’re fulfilled enough with their business or careers, thank you very much. Fair enough – that leaves more than enough to go round for me J.
Another reason for a lack of long term relationships is their inability to commit. whether that’s because they resent having to share what little social time they have with a partner, or simply because it’s been so long since they’ve been in a long-term relationship that they’ve forgotten either what it’s all about or even how to do the relationship thing in the first place.
Sometimes it’s just so much less complicated having a single date that fits into your schedule. Book me in advance and I’ll never let you down. Ever. I won’t make any demands either. In fact, just like back at the office – you’re the boss!