Make Sure You’re Ready – Meeting Up Tips

In London and throughout the rest of the UK you’ll find a lot of Outcall Escorts. This is where the girls will visit in a location chosen by the client. It’s usually a hotel room, the client’s own home or somewhere like an overnight chalet (some of the more fortunate girls will get flown to the location by private jet or helicopter).

For the non-millionaires though, it can be incredibly exciting preparing to meet an escort. So just exactly how should you do that? For instance should you treat the preparation for a meeting with an escort the same as you would a ‘normal’ date? Or is there a certain routine you should go through beforehand?

Well, think about what you’re about to do. And that is, you’re about to meet a very attractive woman who’ll be fun, entertaining and good company to boot. In other words, no doubt just like any other woman you’d normally choose to date.

So clean up (both yourself and the house/room). Have a shower just before she arrives and trim your finger and toe nails. In fact you might want to extend that trimming routine to anywhere you think necessarily depending on what you’ve asked for. It’s also an indication that you’d like that particular area given attention to.

Shaving should be done the day before you plan on meeting up with your escort. That’s because cuts in particular areas can prove extremely painful and will ruin your enjoyment.

Get a good vibe going in the room by perhaps lighting the odd scented candle and adding a couple of vases of fresh flowers. Make sure there are clean sheets on the bed and that it’s made, rather than the covers lying in a rumpled heap at the bottom of the bed.

It’s also a good idea (to avoid any awkwardness at the end of the visit) to lay her fee on a coffee table or desk beforehand so that she can discreetly pick it up while you’ve left the room for whatever reason.

Meanwhile, of course there are plenty of Incall Escorts out there too where you turn up at the ladies’ apartment or a designated meeting area. In this scenario all you have to do is make sure you know exactly the location, and turn up clean!

For more tips on meeting with an escort for the first time see

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