Exercise in all its forms…

These days I work with a London Escort Agency. Just for clarification that’s an agency and not a strip dancing club. A lot of my clients however seem to think that my being able to slide up and down (and round) a greasy silver pole is all part of the job description. Well, wrong. And believe me lads – if I could; I would. It’s great exercise for a start. In fact, there are gym ladies out there making thousands of pounds from running lap dancing classes for women of all ages who want to get fit.

No, I prefer to do my toning and improve my cardio in other, much more fun ways – thank you very much.

And on that subject, it’s always a boost to meet up with a fit client who doesn’t just take care of himself but enjoys doing so at the same time. Incidentally, I’ve found that over the years clients visiting London Escort Agencies are arriving in much better shape. I don’t just mean general grooming-wise, but also being aware of their blood pressure count and cholesterol levels. And some are a lot more clued-up than me when it comes to nutrition and healthy eating.

In fact, my own code of practice is the better a client looks after himself, the more inclined I am do to likewise ie look after and pamper him to his heart’s content (and health).

But anyway, to get back to the fitness thing, a personal rant of mine is this whole gym indoctrination thing. I mean, I don’t know if it’s because we’ve all become so much more health conscious in the past decade or so or it’s the fact that gyms have been doing so much promotional work, but it feels as if we’re breaking some sort of unwritten law if we don’t belong to one.

Tell me it is still acceptable for a human not to have to belong to a gym? If so where do I sign the petition?

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