I’ve often considered that as one of the top Escorts In London were I to retire and look for another career – not that I’ve any intention of doing that right now as life really couldn’t be any better at the moment – the obvious choice for me would be to set myself up as some sort of official relationships adviser.
Why? Because frankly I’ve been privy to it all. I don’t mean I’ve been on the receiving end of ‘couples trouble’, but rather the listening side – from the male point of view. I’m aware of how children, money worries, boredom, familiarity and the withholding of certain favours can all lead to discontentment in a relationship, for instance.
The next step in this sorry scenario is for one or other of the couple to seek out some kind of fun escapism elsewhere. Actually it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out – just someone who is willing to sit down and listen without interrupting (a skill I’ve definitely picked up over the years as a member of the London Escorts crowd).
Are the majority of my clients married? I’d be lying if I said they weren’t. Many of them are convinced that seeing me actually helps them stay with their partner because if they didn’t have their clandestine visits to look forward to they say they’d go crazy or their living circumstances would just become so unbearable that they’d have to leave.
My recipe for a successful relationship isn’t expensive and doesn’t even require a lot of effort. It’s more to do with respecting your other half rather than treating them as the proverbial doormat. With the busy lives we all tend to lead these days it’s understandable that couples slip into that kind of ‘taking each other for granted routine.’ It may get them through the day but in relationship terms it spells disaster.
Want to know some of my other relationships tips and ways to keep the pep in your relationship? Then check out theescortblog.com