Elite London Escorts – like me, of course I always refer to myself as elite – lead lives that are fascinating to other people. That’s how it seems to me, anyway, as my very close friends are always asking questions.

They ask about everything – the dates I go on, the money I make, the clothes I wear (and don’t wear), the hours I work, do I ever feel threatened or unsafe (the answer to that one is ‘no’). And of course they ask if I ever fall for one of my clients. Am I able to separate business and pleasure.

“Well, business IS pleasure for me,” I reply airily. I have several friends who have office jobs and their working lives are far from pleasurable, that is for sure. Hours of mind-boggling drudgery, as far as I can make out, and clock watching. I’m so relieved that my Monday mornings always fill me with hope and optimism, instead of dread.

But back to the question of falling for clients… Elite escorts in London, like me, of course – are always professional through and through, and we do our very best to deliver a service that is professional, but intimate and enjoyable at the same time. There was a client, some years ago, who…

Oh, I don’t know if I should go into this. It was a long time ago and best forgotten. What? You’re curious now and you want to know more…?

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