Perhaps you are seeing elite escorts and you want this to be a secret that no one knows about – how do you keep things discreet? First of all, you might want to consider seeing an incall escort rather than an outcall escort. This means that you will go to the location of the elite escorts, rather than them coming to you. This is a good idea if you have nosy neighbours who might comment on the beautiful lady who is showing up at your home.
Also, if you are going on a date with an escort, you might want to do it in a different area of town so that you won’t run the risk of running into anyone you know. Perhaps you might want to stay in her place or hotel room rather than going out in public together. A lot of people are judgemental about seeing escorts, so if it is something that you wouldn’t want your boss, friends or family members knowing about then you will need to be careful to keep your hobby a secret.