As a big fan of escorts, I feel as though they are massively underrated and over looked. Local escorts have great knowledge of the city in which they are based and as well as offering you some intimacy and fun, they can provide you with some great insight into the area and suggestions for places to see and things to do. It’s a great way to explore the place like a local would rather than along with the crowds of tourists. I always opt for 24-hour escorts and I tend to choose a different woman each visit. I love the convenience of 24-hour escorts and the fact that they are available at any time of the day. I don’t always know exactly when I’m going to have free time when I’m on a business trip, so this is often the ideal solution for me. As for choosing to spend time with a different woman, this is to take advantage of their range of knowledge and interests, providing lots of insights into the area.
On one of my favourite visits that included spending some time with a 24-hour escort, the beautiful woman in questions was excited about a small Latin dancing venue that she had recently discovered that she insisted going along with me that evening. We join in with a free dance lesson and had great fun learning some basic steps and enjoying the intimacy of the dancing up close and personal. We spent the rest of the evening being entertained by the pros and enjoying a few drinks over chit chat.