London is one of the most diverse and multi-cultural cities in the world, which is surely one of the reasons it is loved by so many. Certainly one of the appeals for me is that when you spend time in London you aren’t going to be greeted by monotony and a generally bland culture and environment. I love the fact that when you opt to spend time with a London escort that doesn’t limit you to a certain type of woman or a stereotype. Rather it provides you access with a whole host of women from different backgrounds and ethnicities who each have something rich and valuable to offer.
One of my favourite escorts in London is a gorgeous young Spanish lady. She has lived in England for years but still has a charming and undeniably sultry accent that continues to this day to make me weak at the knees. I used to pick up the odd Spanish word from her simply through chatting during her sessions. I would go home and make an effort to learn a few new words before the next time we met. We soon got into a routine of speaking bits of pieces in Spanish and when I had done well, she had an incredible way of rewarding me. My Spanish London escort was the perfect person to practise on and it was without a doubt the most enjoyable way to learn a new language.