I’ve got really good at sussing out a bloke pretty much within the first minute of meeting him. In that initial minute, I can usually have a good idea of their relationship status, role in the workplace, personality and of course whether they’ve done this kind of thing before with a West End escort such as myself. I get all kinds of men visiting me, and with each and every one I consider it a compliment and aim to give them the best hour or two of their lives. Of course I have my preferences though and it’s in my nature to really enjoy and relish a challenge. That’s why it’s the timid ones that I tend to get the most pleasure out of as I find I can really get my teeth into them and shake up their world.
Most men tend to feel a little awkward when we first meet. After all meeting up with a West End escort isn’t exactly something that you’d do every day. But most will jump into action and come out of the shells once we have got passed the intro and started getting down to business. Some on the other hand will be shy and reserved throughout. Waiting for me to initiate every move and acting as though the slightest touch might break me. These are the guys that I enjoy because it’s amazing to see the transformation once I have had an hour of my way with them.