There is no lack of English escorts if one were to search for one. Escort services are popular throughout the world and while some men have the misconception that this form of service caters to physical needs only, the fact is that escorts like me provide much, much more. Yes, my services don’t come for cheap but what you get is premium service where you are made to feel like a king.
One of my frequent clients (an Englishman who works as a top executive in one of the largest multinational companies in the country) hires my services at least once every 2 months. This gentleman doesn’t have physical needs on top of his mind because his partner is beautiful and they have a wonderful life together.
What this client of mine needs is someone who would sit and listen to him. His partner also has an extremely busy job and it is only during the weekends that they are able to spend time together. Even then, because of the nature of the job his partner has, there are frequent telephonic interruptions.
My client, who is rather emotional in nature, would, as a result, pay money to buy my time. All he would do is open his heart to me – discussing both his personal and professional life. Some of the evenings would, of course, end up in us getting intimate but believe me, this is the last thing on our mind when we spend time together. And I look forward to these meetings every now and then.