There are regular escorts and there are expensive escorts. Someone who has used escort services will tell you that there is a huge amount of difference between the two.
A regular escort is better than a prostitute in the sense that they are more presentable and they are skilled in the art of sex. But at the end of the day, this is the only joy they are able to provide to their clients.
Expensive escorts also know the art of sex right down to the intimate levels but they possess other skills as well. For instance, someone will spend money on an expensive escort when they are looking for company along with physical intimacy.
I was hired by a client for the first time and when I visited him, I could see the passion burning in his eyes. Without wasting time, I first ensured that his passion was suitably doused first. After our first session was over, I could clearly feel that my client didn’t know what to do next. This is when I started talking to him. I told him about my life and the fact that he listened carefully meant that he was interested.
The best part came next – he started opening up and once he started to speak, there was no stopping him. I’ve always been a good listener and he was delighted he could open up with me without me being judgmental. My biggest achievement of the night was when he said that I gave him GFE or girlfriend experience.