When someone looks for high-class escorts, they don’t find it difficult to find one. London being one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world, there are escorts from all over the world plying their trade here. But if someone were to get the best out of the escort services, a British escort is hard to beat. I’m not bragging here (I also belong to GBR) but this is a fact. As far as British men are concerned, they expect something typical from their escorts and it is British escorts like me who can cater to their needs.
What makes the British high-class escorts so special? It is just the way we deal with British men. We know the nuances of the British culture and this is why we are able to proactively take care of the needs of our British clients. I’ve my clients from across the world but there are a couple of English clients who wouldn’t hire anyone but me.
What I do is let my clients speak and don’t interrupt them because I don’t need to. I can understand what they say and what they mean. I go out with them to parties and have afternoon tea with them if they want to. My food habits are typically British and this also helps. And there is a certain decorum that I need to maintain when it comes to dealing with English clients and that comes to me naturally.As far as the physical intimacy is concerned, I’m more than good handling that.