It seems to me that the English take the “stiff upper lip” concept too seriously. My profession demands that I meet with multiple men and when it comes to Englishmen, they are a hard nut to crack, well, at least, quite a few of them. Some of them are only interested in the physical aspect of my profession but there are a lot of them who want someone classy to spend time with. When it comes to high end escorts like me, class is never an issue. I tend to bring out the most intimate secrets of most men and this is one of the reasons I consider myself successful.
There is this English client of mine who got in touch with me almost 2 years ago. When I interacted with him for the first time, I found him almost insufferable. He would, on one hand, enjoy the physical pleasure to the hilt and at the same time, I could see that disdain in his demeanour that scoffed at high end escorts like me.
I took it as a challenge to change him and started conversing with him more and more. In the initial days, he simply wouldn’t get into conversation mode. But that changed gradually and now, the two of us are rather close when it comes to plain communication.This client now tells me (every time we meet) that he enjoys the physical aspect of our relationship more because he communicates with me. This has been one of my biggest achievements till date.