The escorts in London are among the best in the world. And if you can afford an expensive escort then you will soon find their speciality. Although their services are expensive and most men find it rather difficult, there are a class of clients who particularly look for expensive escorts like me.
By the way, I have a lesbian client who only hires me during her visits in the city, because over the years we have developed a level of comfort and we feel at ease at each other’s presence. While I personally prefer men, this particular lady insisted on a meeting. To my surprise, I wasn’t disappointed at all. From the very beginning I could feel her vibes and it made me relaxed and brush away all my inhibitions. Soon it was like meeting of two old friends and we did some amazing acts. Though I am quite experienced in handling demands of my high profile clients, this was altogether a new experience for me.
Though we came from two very different social and economic backgrounds, I could always feel commonness and as a result bonded immediately. I must say I learnt a few new tricks at pleasing women and at the same to have pleasure and enjoy myself in the company of expensive escorts.
She also confessed that she never expected an escort to be so mesmerizing and always admired my openness and attitude. Next two days were complete delight for me and I can vouch for my client as well. We made short tours around London and she took to me places in the city that I never knew existed!