If you are searching for a top high end escort like me, I will have one important advice for you. Always look for the agency and do background check for their reputations. From my personal experience, I can tell you why. When I was rather new to this, I registered myself with one random agency, and that turned out to be quite nightmarish for me. But, thankfully I soon spotted a good one and they have been quite nice during these years. I learnt many a things as well from them. For example, when I go out for an appointment I dress conservatively but you can never miss out my charm.
Initially I had the misconception that this form of service caters to people seeking physical pleasures only. But, when one of my clients asked politely if I would limit my services only to physical intimacy, I was quite surprised! And, then slowly I learnt the art of offering much, much more. As a top high end escort I provide premium service to make you feel like a king.
Recently I met an Englishman who is a young entrepreneur. He hired my services on a Friday and I stayed with him for the entire weekend. During this time we hardly went out and stayed mostly in the room . I soon found out that he loved old classical movies and we role-played a scene from ‘Roman Holiday’. It was real fun, you know!
My client is rather emotional in nature, and now when I know him I never jump into the act and subtly prepare him with my words. He opens up once he feels comfortable and then also makes sure that I enjoy the warm, steamy acts as much as he does.