Let’s be honest for a moment here. Massage parlour girls are not the high end escorts you think about. Majority of these girls have come from East Asian countries and more often than not, don’t speak a word of English. So, you cannot think of any meaningful or intimate conversations. As a British high end escort I know clients who look for great escorts often are not interested in only hardcore sexual act. Many of them will not be able to enjoy the time, if they fail to develop a connect with their escorts.
We have been groomed and trained to understand what our clients want and I am not talking about sexual services alone here. We accept the offer only when we are truly interested to meet the client and interact as a friend. And, no we are not driven by the feeling of obligation. I visit my clients with an open mind and to explore how I can make him feel better.
Yes, it is true that not all my experiences had been wonderful. I have faced clients that looked at me as sex toys and handled me roughly. But, most of my clients have been courteous and polite. I meet one of my clients from Dubai quite often and it is been a pleasure to be with him.
From our very first meeting I sensed his longing for a true companionship and I tried to fill the void with my talks, small gestures and mutual understanding. We know each other’s body and mind and therefore our sexual interactions are friendly and full of intelligent acts.