Expensive escorts are expensive not because they are exceedingly beautiful, but the services they provide are not comparable to the ones provided by any other escorts. These escorts are top notch and know exactly how to please their customer. My experience with one such expensive customer strengthened my view. Now I know why they are such amazingly sexy and great in satisfying their clients! While pleasing their clients they enjoy themselves and get pleasure from whatever they do. They are the women who can satisfy any client.
The one I met during one of my encounters was a smiling girl and a very sober personality. I personally prefer the naughty ones and was a bit disappointed seeing her calm and quite persona. But, as soon as she started talking to me, I felt a tingling sensation. There was something in her voice or the way she talked, I knew why the agency has listed her in the top bracket. As soon as she sensed that I was hesitant about talking to her on sex, she came near me and with her very assuring touch aroused me within a minute. Rest was just fun and lots of exciting event. When she undressed, I was amazed to see her bodily assets and her suppleness. She was unique, interesting and extremely charming and the night was full of unimaginable pleasure.
I strongly believe that these expensive escorts are just perfect about anything one can think of in terms of having physical pleasure. They are the best companions for the bedroom or for any event that you want to attend tucking them in your arm.