Job of overnight escorts is slightly more difficult than the escorts whom clients hire for one to two hours. I am not telling this as I am one of them because, you can simply imagine one cannot just provide sexual service and come out of the place. When I joined this profession I was also a normal escort pleasing one or two clients in a day. I used to watch that my clients always asked for more time after they have been with me for, say, one hour.
One of my clients only suggested that if I would be with him for the entire weekend because he loves being with me and it all started. Now I just work for two to three times a week and always as overnight escort and that too mostly for my set of old clients. I am a trained masseur and whenever they come to me, they know they will be rejuvenated by the next morning, thanks to my magic hands, or should I say, magic touch!
I honestly treat them in an amazing way with my hands. Due to my training I know the right spots to evoke the sense of calmness. If he is one of my old clients I know what makes him feel relaxed and comfortable. If he is a new person, I do not hesitate to ask him for his preferences. And, believe you me; I have learnt many new things during many such nights when we were enjoying an intimate moment.