There is an overwhelming demand for 24hr Escorts to accompany high profile clients to work functions, dining out, weddings other than providing company for a long time (usually more than a day). 24/7 Escorts are skilled not in just physical acts. Honestly, no one can satisfy their clients for that long just with sexual pleasures! I was chosen by my agency to be 24/7 escorts due to the feedbacks my clients left for me. All of them thanked me heartily for providing them with the ‘friendly companionship’ they were looking for.
To be honest with you, I do not have the model looks. Yes, I have a stunning figure and a perfect body. But, it is my girl-next-door looks that attracted my clients. When I accompany my clients to their outdoor vacations I dress simply and no one can make out that I may turn naughty within a flicker. Last month, I accompanied a young man from Wales for a weekend. He had some work in the city and wanted someone to be with him around. He was hesitant and I could guess he was not interested in just sexual intimacy. He was seeking more of GF experience and I knew what exactly would make him happy.
I took him to little known cafes and some quiet corners of the city and soon we developed a friendly relationship. Finally, when it was the time for some more intimate acts, we were completely comfortable and relaxed in each other’s presence. My friendly charisma had a lasting effect on him.