Overnight escorts are preferred by many clients of mine who take time to open up to someone barely known to them. They need escorts in London to have a good time. If they visit me for one or two hours, they will never be able to even come close to me, forget about anything else!
Many of them, I can guess do not have regular sex. I can easily guess their tension. With them I always volunteer to give a massage and my touch on their sensitive points loosen them up. I am trained in erotic massage as well that almost always ends in reaching a high note for my partner. With my massage I stealthily start playing my tricks and he finishes it off in his own way. All these take time and definitely not going to happen in two hours.
One of my client from Sharjah (originally from New Zealand) enjoys being with me who knows how to take care of her companion. It is always good to be taking it slow when it comes to developing a physical and emotional bond. Sometimes, both of us are ready within the time he arrives at my place. But we always take it slowly as both of us feel a lot better finally after having a great interaction. A good night’s sleep is what we need after feeling completely contended. After all these years of experience as an overnight escort I have understood that having a good sex is much more about having physical pleasure…it is about enjoying the company of a person who has respect for me and my profession.