Expensive escorts are amazingly beautiful and are extremely skilled in their jobs. A lot of clients get tense the first time they meet one of the expensive escorts in London, which is absolutely normal. But, these escorts understand the nervousness of their clients quickly and will do everything to make them sit back and relax. When I met an expensive escort for the first time, I was nervous and at the same time was shivering with excitement. But, she was friendly, witty and helped me to settle down sooner than I thought.
These expensive escorts have learnt over the years why it is important to make a client feel comfortable and relaxed. This helps them in taking control of the situation. When I was awestruck by her beauty, she started talking to me like a friend and her lovely and assuring smile made me feel nice. She had a beautiful face and a great body. Soon she guided me to her bedroom which was tastefully decorated and we too were together for a really long time. She had a simply amazing body and moved so gracefully that my pleasure increased by manifold.
She was very confident of her abilities and spiced up my time in every possible way. Later, she started narrating some funny incidents and that again heightened my excitement. As a result of this we again had a quick session that lasted for a brief time but I was extremely satisfied. Now I am looking forward to meeting her again soon to enjoy her pleasant company.