Escorts Discuss Dates Too

When escorts get a day off we don’t just sit around twiddling our thumbs. We make the most of our wonderful city and go out and explore it with other girls. I write now and again about my friends but I’m not sure if you realise just how many of my close circle are made up of escorts.

Last night I was invited out to dinner in central London and when I arrived I realised that the entire party was made up of escorts.  It was only then that I realised just how many of us socialise together. It makes sense of course, everyone likes to have friends who they can share their interests with and we’re no different. And just as you and your friends discuss the dates you’ve been on, so too do London escorts.

The perfect date is not as rare as you might think, and when we got to discussing some of our recent nights out I was surprised to see how many girls had fallen head over heels for their companions.  Whether our dates are old or young, experienced or fresh-faced, we had all found something to admire in the wonderful men of London.

As the champagne flowed throughout the evening we discussed costumes and role play, restaurants and hotels, and the best way to greet our dates. It was a genuine pleasure to be part of a group of such gorgeous, intelligent and charming women. The waiters were smitten, I was proud of my friends and we all went home ready to give the gentlemen of London some of the best dates they’ve ever had in their lives. If you’ve ever dreamt of dating escorts, now would be the time to do it.

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