Expensive escorts are preferred by clients to whom budget is not a constraint. They are more focussed on the quality of services they have been offered. Many of my deep pocket clients asked for my service when they have to travel to exotic destinations for some business propositions. To them I am their VIP travel companion. I am a model and quite well known in the circuit for my gorgeous beauty and stunning features. I always accompany one of my clients from the city during summer for few days when he leaves all his business propositions and heads for a completely relaxing vacation.
With me he is sure of two things: his security and secrecy. I would never divulge any details about us before, during or after our vacations. He has a villa in the coastal region of France and we head to that beautiful place every summer. I am a great cook and love to prepare food for two of us. Just like a couple we shop together buying groceries and fresh vegetables and prepare a meal. Rest of the day is just left for fun and enjoyment…some of them are outdoors and some are indoors!
I know what pleases him the most. But, every now and then I plan some surprises for him that amuse him like a child. After being with him for some time now, I have realised that he is not interested in long-term commitments and it is perfectly fine with me. He is polite and caring and I enjoy his company as much as he does.