The best escorts take their work seriously. That’s why they are perfectly matched to gentlemen who work hard and want to completely unwind when they socialise. If you have a lot of day-to-day responsibilities then it’s natural that when you take a little time to yourself you’ll want every minute to run smoothly, I know this because I am one of them and this week I’ve been acting as the companion to a professional man with a lot of demands.
It’s not often I get given a list of duties when I meet my date for the first time but ‘John’ was a busy man dealing with a lot of professional pressure. He booked a top escort because, quite simply, he wanted the best. ‘John’ explained to me that as a divorcee and a successful businessman it wasn’t just difficult to find the time to date, but he also worried about bringing new women to social functions and not knowing how they would react to him wandering off to shake hands or disappearing to have delicate conversations with his associates occasionally. What he needed was a date who was comfortable when left on her own and remarkable when she stood by his side.
I don’t just do this job because I enjoy one-on-one dates; I do it because I get to mingle with interesting groups of people. I enjoy exceeding people’s expectations and I love to see the look on people’s faces when a tall, tanned and busty young lady such as myself talks knowledgably and behaves graciously. To be a top escort in London you need education and elegance, ‘John’ knew it and that’s why he called me.
Wherever you go in this city if you bring a high end escort with you and treat her with respect you’ll make the simplest date totally luxurious. ‘John’ started our date worried about how his party would go and hoping he’d made the right choice of girl, but he ended it with one short sentence: “When can we do this again?”