People who like to spend time with escorts may well have heard of the GFE, or Girlfriend Experience, but what about those of us who want to spend time with a great looking guy for the evening? Is it too much to ask for the BFE; is there such thing as the Boyfriend Experience?
My dear friend Alex and I were discussing the boyfriend experience over lunch this week. If the girlfriend experience involves having a beautiful woman to relax and have fun with then what does the boyfriend experience involve? Having a great looking guy sit around in his underwear and play video games maybe? Or perhaps he could build a couple of shelves and then go and play football?
We decided to test the theory and Alex ordered up a pair of sizzling male companions for the evening, purely for the purposes of research of course!
We met our dates in Soho and told them that we were looking for the full BFE, it seemed like a silly idea to me but Alex persevered and worked tirelessly to bring the whole game to life. Despite my reservations I have to give credit to our dates, we couldn’t have picked two better guys and as the night wore on all of my snide jokes about lazy boyfriends went out the window. I had doors opened for me, attention lavished on me and I was the envy of all we crossed paths with.
What started out as a joke between friends turned into a night of fun and seduction that was relaxed and comfortable. Next time I feel like treating myself I’ll ring those two wonderful 24hr escorts and arrange another date, and I might even tell Alex to stay at home!