“Tell me about your typical day,” a client urged me the other night there.
I laughed out loud. Why? This bloke was a hot shot trader in the city who no doubt experienced high-coasting then flat-lining adrenalin surges on a regular basis. Not only that but he probably went to some of the best restaurants this city offered and could stay in whatever hotel room he fancied when the notion took him. My life, I felt, was hardly excitement-city in comparison. But he persisted.
“Well,” I responded. “You know I work for a top London escort agency don’t you?”
“Indeed. But what does that involve?”
The man wasn’t going to stop. So I told him about yesterday.
I woke at 9am and first thing I did was log on to see if anyone had booked me for a date overnight. There was one potential client forwarded from the agency and whom I’d never met before. I responded to his email with a few questions of my own. For instance, had he visited an escort before? What was he looking for on his date etc?
I went back to bed for an hour or so (potentially to read my book but the zzzz’s took over). I then woke up again at 12 noon (well I’d been working until 4am the previous evening). I had some rice crispies and watched a couple of episodes of CSI Miami.
At 2pm I went to Dino’s (no, not the fish and chip shop but my super-efficient hairdresser) then came home and did the whole beauty routine thing (bath with glass of wine, exfoliation for what felt like forever, moisturiser, then dressed).
Come 4pm it was time for me to leave the apartment to head into the city and meet one of my regular clients from work.
Ladies – and gents – I couldn’t divulge! Client confidentially and all that. Let’s just say I had a fab evening and can’t wait to see him again.
At midnight I got back to the flat. Made myself a little cocoa (yes, really) and nipped back into the sheets with the book. Ah, the delights of your own bed and a good book to boot J. Boring? Probably? Lovely? Yes!