When you meet with incall escorts you will be going to her location, which is usually her home or apartment. There are some advantages to this, especially if you want to be discreet and avoid having her visit you at your home.
If you are planning on visiting an incall escort, you should find out exactly where she is located. Is it an apartment, or is she operating out of a hotel room? How much time will it take you to get there? Make sure that you leave with plenty of time to spare so that you don’t show up late and waste the time you have booked. Also, you should find out what to expect when you are there – will you be able to use her shower to freshen up?
You should also find out how she would prefer you to enter – should you ring the bell, use the side entrance? Keep discretion in mind for her too – she might not want her neighbours knowing what she does for a living.