When I joined the ranks of the 24 hour Escorts In London I wasn’t really sure what was required of me in terms of styling and upkeep, if you know what I mean. Did I have to wear designer clothes, buy stockings at £25 a pair and wear only gold and silver jewellery? Was it essential for me to visit an expensive hairdresser on a regular basis? Get a weekly manicure? Work out like an athlete?
Well the answers to those questions are, of course, ‘No.’ So long as I made myself attractive and presentable I could dress and act how I liked. Which was fine when I first started out – I didn’t have the money to buy designer fashion outfits then anyway. But I’d watch the other girls who were 24/7 Escorts In London – the ones who had been working longer – strut around in Chanel or Gucci and I don’t mind telling you, I got a little jealous. To the extent that I was determined I’d wear these gorgeous outfits too (well, I saw how much their client’s admired them and, because they knew the girls liked particular designers, would even buy them gifts of scarves, gloves and handbags from that fashion house).
At first I bought skirts, jackets, blouses in the sales. But then after a few months I could afford to buy an entire suit outright or a dress with a matching jacket and the perfect handbag.
Meanwhile, I DID start going to the hairdressers every month to keep my colour topped up and the weekly manicure became a constant. The jewellery my clients buy me tends to be gold and silver anyhow.
And interestingly what happened when I made the extra effort and dressed from top to toe in designer fabric that fitted beautifully and showed off all my curves at just the right places, as well as spending that bit more money on maintenance?
The clients got better too of course. They’d provide more treats, act even more respectful and, of course, they paid more too. Seems it’s true what they say right enough – money attracts money.