I don’t tell most people I’m working for a London Escort Agency. In fact, there are only two friends right now who know what I do at nights and some weekends. One is my flat mate and the other, my best friend at University. My flat mate said she’d considered it herself but wasn’t sure how to go about enrolling with an agency. I’ve introduced her to mine.
I’m 23, just ready to graduate later this year (roll on June) and I’ve been working as an escort for the past two years. It’s funded me well through university (unlike most of my peers I’ve no £20,000 loans to pay off when I leave) but more than that, I feel as if it’s opened my eyes up to how the world operates in the sense that everyone has desires and longings. Even the steeliest businessman you’ll encounter will have a soft core: remember that and you won’t feel intimidated (by anyone) I believe.
What I’m saying is that working for one of the London Escort Agencies has given me confidence. It’s shown me that I can be an interesting companion and can hold my own with so-called powerful men in the business world. And I’m sure I wouldn’t have got that insight and assertiveness streak working behind the kiosk at my local Tesco store.
When I do graduate it’ll be with a degree in Economics. Originally I’d planned to go into one of the big financial institutions but I’m not so sure now. I may continue escorting, at least for another couple of years – see how it works on a full-time basis. After all, I can go into finance any time really but right now I’m aware of how youth is one of my assets right now and I’m keen to make the most of it.