Remember the wonderful Meg Ryan in 80s film Harry Met Sally and that incredibly embarassing – yet watchable – restaurant orgasm scene? So just why do you think some couples ‘fake it’? Sure, there is the old ‘to get it over with’ line which is trotted out every time. But that’s not really good enough is it? Well, certainly as a London escort I don’t believe so. Why would anyone want to get such a potentially incredibly sensuous and fulfilling experience ‘over with?’
Well mister, have you ever considered that your lady friend may not be capable of climaxing through intercourse alone? A lot of men don’t actually realise this – which just goes to show they’re not paying enough attention to their partner’s needs in the first place. ‘But I never knew!’ you may well protest – all defensive-like. And fair enough, it may indeed be the case that you never even had the slightest inkling she was faking it.
But why didn’t you know? Was it because your other half was afraid to tell you, fearing that she would hurt your feelings and sense of masculinity? Maybe she thought you would be angry with her for covering up so long? Or, she was maybe even embarrassed about the whole situation believing (wrongly) that there must be something wrong with her ‘down there’ and that she wasn’t the same as other women. Maybe she thought you would go off her as a result? People can get a bit irrational in these type of scenarios. And I hear them all working as an escort.
The fact that she can’t tell you what’s going on with her body is more of an issue right now than the physical stuff I’d have thought. Get that out in the open and then the physical stuff will sort itself out on it sown. Go on – do it: talk and be honest with one another. I promise you it can only lead to improvements in the sexual sphere.