In my years in the business I have seen that there is a myth perpetuated out there that men who opt for escort services are ugly losers who cannot get sex in any other way. However, this is not necessarily true. In fact, some of the clients I know who see escorts are good looking, nice guys with well-paying jobs who could get a date with a woman quite easily if they wanted.
The reason that some men use escort agencies might be that they just don’t have the time to bother with the dating game – especially if they are very busy with work. They are looking for a clear-cut relationship with no strings attached – a beautiful woman whom they can relax and have fun with, without having to worry about emotion or commitment. Their schedules might require them to travel frequently or work long hours, which is not conducive to keeping a relationship. Escorts, such as myself, allow men like this the chance to unwind and enjoy the company of gorgeous ladies without pressure.