Category Archives: London Escorts

The Escort Blog – London Escorts

A Fancy London Hotel Provides the Ultimate Intimate Setting

I am lucky enough and proud enough to be able to say that I make my living through working as an English escort. In this line of job there are, somewhat predictably, a number of questions that people tend to ask me over ...

English Escort Enjoys a Day at the Beach

Working as an English escort, people often ask me about what I consider to be the best part of my job and the best days I've had at work. I understand the curiosity, as my job isn’t exactly normal and you don’t often...

A Kind Stranger Helped Me Out of Rut of Low Self-Esteem

Sometimes I have these dips in my self-esteem as I'm sure most people do. Sometimes some hard exercise does the trick or other times I just have to take a few days off work to do the things I enjoy. As a typical bloke I'...

Winning a University Bet Ends Brilliantly

During my brilliant time at Uni my mates and I took part in numerous bets. Some of them ended well for me and others not so well but the one that I simply have to talk about ended better than I could ever have expected o...

Introducing My Mate to The Best of London

I have recently become a hero in the eyes of one of my oldest friends. He's actually someone I used to know in school but he and his family emigrated to Australia when we were about 12 and I hadn’t seen him since. We k...

My Mid-life Awakening

My divorce a couple of years back knocked me pretty hard and it took a significant time for me to get back on my feet. For a long time I just focused on doing what was best for my children, being there for them as much a...

Enjoying Independence and Student Life as Any Man Should

In the weeks leading up to my leaving for university I was growing increasingly nervous and excited at the same time. I couldn’t wait to move out of my parents' house and into the shared house that I had arranged with ...

Even the Most Serious of Gents Need Some Playtime

The saying goes 'work hard and play hard", but I seem to do far more of the former than I do of the latter. Of course fun comes in all shapes and forms and for me I find nothing more relaxing and pleasurable than sitting...

Football Rivalry Leads to Massage Bet With a London Escort

I have to say there's nothing better than an attractive woman with an appreciation for sports, and more specifically a love of football. I couldn’t believe my luck when it transpired that my London escort had a penchan...

A Visit to the Tailor is Made Exceptionally Fun

I am a stereotypical Northern man and as such shopping is never my first choice of activity or indeed my idea of fun. However, when I ended up on a shopping trip with a high-class escort, my opinion of the clothes shoppi...




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