When you meet up with escorts in London such as myself, it’s important to keep in mind that you are paying for more than just sex. If it was just a simple sexual act you craved, so that you could enjoy a release and be...
I get all sorts of compliments on a regular basis; I don't think I am sharing any surprises here as you will know that a escort agency offers up just as beautiful a selection of girls as the more pricier agencies do.
A ...
Working as a London Escort I tend to have a different body clock from most folk I come into contact with. As you’d expect I start work late in the day (usually 7pm to 8pm and finish around 8am next morning – well, th...
A new shop has opened near to where I live and it's describing itself as a 'toy shop for grown-ups'. Naturally, my professional interest was piqued and a girlfriend and I felt we really had to investigate and get the low...
Often I see my job as one of the escorts in London as more of a teaching role. What I mean by that is many men (and women, actually) come to me because they don't know how to be sensual - or at least make their partners ...
Do you know many men – or women for that matter – who have used the services of 24 hour Escorts In London? You probably do actually but they just won’t reveal it. That’s because there’s still a bit of a stigm...
In my years in the business I have seen that there is a myth perpetuated out there that men who opt for escort services are ugly losers who cannot get sex in any other way. However, this is not necessarily true. In fact,...
If you had a chance to read my last post you will know I was getting all warmed up to the subject of massage and why it was important for couples - and indeed anyone who was seeking further intimacy with a partner - to i...
Sometimes when I meet with a client I end up just meeting him at his hotel room or his home and we get right down to business – if you know what I mean. However, sometimes a client and I will go on a date somewhere –...
A friend asked me last week, “So, do you ever take a holiday from the fabled Escorts business?”
I guess she meant a two-week break sunning myself on the Spanish coast kind of thing, so I shook my head and said, “N...