Remember, Remember the 5th of November, Gun-powder, Treason and Plot...
I love Bonfire Night – fireworks, explosions and things that go bang in general are all good with me. There is something so fantastic about stand...
Say the words 'escort agencies' to people and they tend to assume that such agencies serve wealthy and powerful men looking for a beautiful woman to keep them company for the evening. And this is usually the case.
But h...
You often hear of how escorts continually tell their male clients how amazing they are and can end up indulging in what is often regarded as a lot of ego-boosting. And that's fair enough, really. No-one goes to one of th...
London Escort Agencies are some of the best in the world. Their standards are high – both in terms of their girls and their clients. So it’s no surprise then that they tend to attract a lot of long-term clients.
“You look great,” my beautician friend said to me the other week, “have you had anything done?”
I guess she meant, have you had any plastic surgery, or have you been doing Botox? I smiled enigmatically as a girl...
Working as a London Escort I tend to have a different body clock from most folk I come into contact with. As you’d expect I start work late in the day (usually 7pm to 8pm and finish around 8am next morning – well, th...
A friend asked me last week, “So, do you ever take a holiday from the fabled Escorts business?”
I guess she meant a two-week break sunning myself on the Spanish coast kind of thing, so I shook my head and said, “N...
When working as one of the popular Escorts In London you tend to deal with a huge section of the populace. In other words your clients differ in status, employment, intellect even gender. Personally, I find the variety s...
Working for a Good Escort Agency can be about more than just fun and earning an extremely decent living. It can also be pretty life affirming and lead to positive personality traits. Read on to see exactly what I’m tal...
Everyone has their own preferences and ideas when it comes to the perfect woman and while some men might favour a curvaceous Latin lady others will opt for a slim figured and petite Asian woman. However, when it comes to...