Executive escorts in London are a different kind of escorts that you normally do not meet up in regular occasions. They are exclusive in their dressing, communication and the way the serve their clients. I am an executive escort and I have just two to three loyal clients whom I meet up following a structured pre-decided schedule. The first one of them is an executive working for a multinational. He is a prominent and popular face in media and high profile social gatherings. So, I meet him up only discreetly and he is assured that his presence will never be discussed anywhere. In private, however, he is a very shy person and I take the lead when it comes to fulfilling his sexual desires. I know that he likes things to be soft and delicate so I take extreme care to treat him and guide him to attain his high.
My other client, a painter by profession is a different kind of person. He is fun loving and jovial. He will make me laugh with his funny anecdotes and we always have a quick and intense connect immediately after meeting. I know how he would like me to do some acts simply with my touch and it happens many times that we lay side by side and fondle each other for hours. Our sessions are never planned but they are fun filled and wild.
So, if you are with an executive escort like me you can always be sure of personalized services where the lady will please you exactly the same way you want it to happen.