Category Archives: London Escorts

The Escort Blog – London Escorts

A day in the life of…

“Tell me about your typical day,” a client urged me the other night there. I laughed out loud. Why? This bloke was a hot shot trader in the city who no doubt experienced high-coasting then flat-lining adrenalin surg...

When the tables are turned

I had the best client the other day there. Escorts are often fortunate enough to meet up with incredibly generous men, of course. They’re always so grateful for our attention, devotion and, dare I say, beauty. Actually...

Manners make the man

Maybe it's because I live in such a sophisticated and multicultural city, but working for a London Escort Agency means I have incredibly high standards. You might think that by high standards I mean that I demand only t...


Do you remember that Madonna hit, Hanky Panky which came out around the early 90s? I was merely a child when the song was a hit, but I do remember singing it – well, it was catchy – and horrifying my poor mother. As...

Why I love this job

Having worked as one of the Escorts in London since 2010, I feel qualified enough to be able to write this post. It’s about the benefits of escorting. And believe me, ladies, there are many. There’s the downside too,...

Getting older has its plus side

I’ve been a London Escort for er, longer than I’d care to remember really. By that I mean I’m advancing in years. Ok, seeing as you asked – I’m 36. Not that getting older in this business is a bad thing though ...

Abiding by Boundaries

Working with a London Escort Agency gives me a sense of companionship. It means there are other girls I can meet up with a coffee or a drink on a regular basis who have similar experiences to myself. We swap stories and ...

Good-bye 2019 – It’s Been a Blast

Another year over... Some of my friends dread New Year. They say they hate that time has flown past and they feel as if they haven't achieved anything, or pursued their dreams. Not me! As a London Escort, I have had an ...

Escorts Can Help You End the Night Right

Posted on by LV
When you return from a night of dancing and enjoying the scene in London, some hot sex is the perfect way to end the evening. After a fun and stimulating night on the town, there are a lot of reasons why you might be in ...

Outcall Escorts Invite you to Dinner.

Posted on by LV
I often get to travel as part of my job, and for me it’s a joy because I love to see new cities and meet new people. I feel as though travel teaches me something and it very rarely gets boring. But I’m aware that not...




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